Arman Stepanian

Arman Stepanian, born in Abadan, Iran in 1956, discovered his passion for art and photography at a young age. After completing his high school studies, he pursued his interest in graphic design and earned a Bachelor's Degree from Tehran University's Fine Arts Faculty in 1979.

Arman Stepanian's Art Style

Stepanian's deep fascination with photography and its rich history truly ignited his artistic journey. Delving into extensive research on the subject, he unearthed the profound potential of photography as a medium for expression. In 1998, he embarked on a new chapter in his career as a professional photographer.

His artistic vision is rooted in a desire to revive the legacy of legendary poets and artists, using his camera as a tool to bridge the past with the present and pave the way for the future. Through his lens, he seeks to capture the essence of human emotions, particularly those of worry and sadness, allowing viewers to connect with their own inner feelings and experiences.

Despite earning his degree in the 1970s, Stepanian's approach to photography is modern and subjective, setting him apart from his contemporaries. His work transcends traditional boundaries, offering a unique perspective on the human condition and inviting audiences to explore the depths of their own emotions through visual storytelling.

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