Sungi Mlengeya

Sungi Mlengeya is a self-taught artist specializing in the acrylic medium on canvas. Her paintings are characterized by a sense of freedom, minimalism, and a distinctive use of negative space. The majority of her works feature dark figures rendered in minimal shades of black and brown, set against pristine white backgrounds, serving as a tribute to the women who inspire and surround her.

Biography of Sungi Mlengeya

Sungi Mlengeya was born in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, in 1991. Despite her interest in art and drawing during primary school, Mlengeya didn't have the opportunity to take art classes in secondary school. Following her graduation in 2013, she entered the banking sector while simultaneously pursuing her passion for painting on the side.

In 2018, she made the bold decision to leave her job and fully commit to a career in painting. Utilizing online resources, she dedicated herself to learning new techniques. Her journey led her to travel across East Africa, where she fostered connections with fellow artists and galleries, including Afriart Gallery, which served as her gateway to the global art scene.

In 2020, the artist received recognition in the Apollo 40 Under 40 Africa, a compilation highlighting the most inspirational young individuals in the African art world. In 2022, she was featured on the Johnnie Walker and Trace Africa Top 30 list, acknowledging her as one of the leading creatives on the continent. 

Sungi Mlengeya's recent solo exhibitions include "Don't Try, Don't Not Try" at B.LA Art Foundation in Vienna (2022), "(Un)choreographed" at The Africa Centre in London (2022), and "Just Disruptions" at Afriart Gallery in Kampala (2022).

The artist has also participated in numerous group exhibitions, including "Shapes of Water" at Afriart Gallery in Kampala (2023), "Insistent Presence: Contemporary from the Chazen Collection" at Chazen Museum of Art in the USA (2023), "When We See Us: A Century of Black Figuration in Painting" at Zeitz MOCAA in Capetown (2022), "Black Voices: Friend of My Mind" at Ross-Sutton Gallery in New York (2020), among others.

Sungi Mlengeya's paintings have also been showcased at various international art fairs, including Latitudes Art Fair (2019), 1-54 Contemporary African Art Fair (2020), Investec Cape Town Art Fair (2020), Art x Lagos (2022), EXPO Chicago (2023), and many more.

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