April Kamunde

April Kamunde is an artist who creates oil paintings that narrate intimate and personal tales, reflecting her upbringing and experiences.

April Kamunde's Art Style

Utilizing soft and delicate brushstrokes, April Kamunde places her subjects within lush, natural environments, emanating a gentle and authentic presence. Rooted in autobiographical themes, her artwork extends to shared experiences, aiming to establish relatability across diverse audiences and foster discussions. As the artist mentioned, she draws inspiration from various artists, particularly those who create figurative works and represent people of col

April Kamunde portrays female figures in her paintings adorned in the comfortable attire known as the Dera (a long Somali dress), set against a lush green backdrop with natural wildlife. This portrayal symbolizes women's withdrawal from societal and cultural norms, seeking refuge in a raw, natural setting teeming with life. It serves as a space for them to rejuvenate, recharge their batteries, and embrace some essential "me time."

In her latest works, April Kamunde delves into the interpretations of rest and its pursuit, approaching the theme from both a personal and feminist perspective. This body of work is fueled by her introspection and reaction to the exhaustion stemming from recent encounters with the pandemic, the swift evolution of the world, and the quest for a prosperous and satisfying life in the bustling urban landscape of Nairobi, one of Africa's major cities.

I invite the public to scrutinize the moments of pause and introspection experienced by the women featured in the work. I explore what it looks like to choose oneself, take up space, slow down and unburden oneself in today’s demanding world.
April Kamunde for OnArt Media

Exhibitions of April Kamunde's paintings

April Kamunde's works have been exhibited at various group shows, including "Eastern Voices: Contemporary Art from East Africa" at Addis Fine Art in London (2023), "Shapes of Water" at Afriart Gallery (2023), and "Walking the Edge" at Afriart Gallery (2022).

The artist has also participated in international art fairs, including African Galleries Now x Artsy, INVESTEC Cape Town, 1-54 Contemporary African Art Fair London, and Art X Lagos.

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