Stacey Steers

Stacey Steers's creative endeavors have not gone unnoticed, as she has received major grants from prestigious institutions such as the Guggenheim Foundation, Creative Capital, and the American Film Institute. 

Stacey Steers's Art Style

Stacey Steers has carved out a unique niche in the realm of animated films, renowned for her process-driven, labor-intensive creations composed of thousands of handmade works on paper. With a keen eye for storytelling and a dedication to exploring the nature of longing, Steers constructs original, experimental narratives that bridge the gap between early cinematic sources and contemporary artistic expression.

Her animated short films, characterized by meticulous craftsmanship, have garnered international acclaim and numerous awards. The Sundance Film Festival, Telluride Film Festival, and the Rotterdam International Film Festival have all hosted Steers's films, establishing her as a prominent figure in the world of animated cinema. Venues such as the National Gallery of Art and MoMA have also embraced her work, providing audiences with the opportunity to immerse themselves in the evocative narratives she weaves.

Stacey Steers's Installation Works

In recent years, Steers has expanded her artistic horizon by incorporating collaborative installations that seamlessly blend three-dimensional production elements with film loops. These installations offer viewers a novel context for experiencing her films, creating a multi-sensory engagement with the narratives she unfolds.

Stacey Steers's installation work has graced esteemed venues such as the Corcoran Gallery, the Denver Art Museum, and the Hamburger Kunsthalle in Hamburg, Germany. 

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