Josephine Taylor

Josephine Taylor, an artist who creates narrative images on paper through drawing, print, collage, and video, weaves delicate visual tales that delve into the emotional and psychological remnants of memory, human connection, and adolescence. Her work, rendered with a tender fragility, invites viewers into the personal realms she explores, often at a scale that mirrors the subjects she portrays.

Biography of Josephine Taylor

Josephine Taylor was born in Phoenix, Arizona, in 1977.

Her artistic journey began with a Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies with an emphasis in East Indian languages from the University of Colorado – Boulder. She later pursued a graduate degree in Fine Art at the San Francisco Art Institute.

In recognition of her artistic prowess, Taylor received the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art SECA Award in 2004, a prestigious honor affirming her contribution to the contemporary art scene.

In 2004, she was featured in the California Biennial at the Orange County Museum of Art. During the same year, she received a Visual Arts residency at the Headlands Center for the Arts.

In 2017-2018, Taylor finalized a series of monotypes and gravures at Mullowney Printing, the Master Print studio in San Francisco. Additionally, she collaborated with multi-media artist and author Jon Bernson on a video project titled "Dylan Diaries" (2018).

In 2017, Taylor received an Eureka Fellowship from the Fleishhacker Foundation. Currently, she is an instructor at Stanford University and the San Francisco Art Institute.

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