Stephanie Syjuco

Stephanie Syjuco's projects have focused on examining the implications of photography and image-based processes in constructing racialized, exclusionary narratives of American history and citizenship.

Syjuco's work has been featured in solo exhibitions across renowned institutions, including the MSU Broad Art Museum in Michigan, the Anderson Collection at Stanford University, the Amon Carter Museum of American Art in Texas, the Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art in Connecticut, and the Blaffer Art Museum in Texas, among others.

Biography of Stephanie Syjuco

Stephanie Syjuco, a multifaceted artist based in Oakland, California, transcends traditional artistic boundaries, seamlessly moving between photography, sculpture, and installation. Born in the Philippines in 1974, Stephanie Syjuco immigrated to the United States during her childhood, and she has since become a trailblazing force in the contemporary art scene.

Her artistic journey is marked by a commitment to exploring the intersections of handmade and digital mediums, leveraging open-source systems and shareware logic to delve into issues of economies and empire. The artist is the recipient of numerous prestigious awards, including a Guggenheim Fellowship in 2014 and a Tiffany Foundation Award in 2020.

Stephanie Syjuco holds a BFA from the San Francisco Art Institute and an MFA from Stanford University. Currently serving as an Associate Professor of Sculpture at the University of California, Berkeley, she contributes to the next generation of artists.

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