Sophie Nys

Sophie Nys employs sculpture, photography, video, text, and objects to explore nuanced philosophical, political, historical, and artistic concepts infused with a subtle sense of humor. Drawing inspiration from local narratives and the ordinary essence of everyday objects, she explores broader topics such as class and gender, emphasizing the social idiosyncrasy inherent in common objects, products, materials, and concepts.

Biography of Sophie Nys

Sophie Nys was born in 1974 in Borgerhout, Belgium. She studied at Sint-Lucas in Ghent (Belgium) and Jan van Eyck Academie in Maastricht (The Netherlands).

Nys was nominated for the Swiss Art Awards twice: in 2015 and 2016. Additionally, she received  the Prix Fernand Baudin Award (2010), the Atelierstipendium Stadt Zürich (2015, 2016, and 2017), the Beurs Bewezen Talent Kunstendecreet Vlaamse Gemeenschap (2022 and 2023), among others awards and accolades. 

Her solo exhibitions include "Slide, Slip, Glide" at Keijiban in Kazawa (2023), "Lunar Practices" at BO9K in Changsha (2023), "Pension" at Galerie Greta Meert in Brussels (2023), "Getafix" at La Salle de Bains in Lyon (2021), "Family Nexus" at KIOSK in Ghent (2019), and many more.

Sophie Nys' works have been featured in numerous group shows at prestigious galleries and venues worldwide, including Z33 in Hasselt, IKOB in Eupen, HISK in Brussels, Kunsthal Extra City in Antwerp, Scharaun in Berlin, Fondazione Prada in Venice, and Galerie Emmanuel Hervé in Paris, among other esteemed venues.

Currently, the artist lives and works in Brussels. 

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  • Years:

    Born in 1974

  • Country:

    Belgium, Brussels

  • Personal website