Joe Zorrilla

Joe Zorrilla's work primarily revolves around the existence, and occasionally the negation, of the body—the inherently fleshy and organic condition that captivates and engrosses the viewer. Although the artist maintains a concise approach to creating artworks, it eschews rational or didactic intentions.

Biography of Joe Zorrilla

Joe Zorrilla was born in 1982 in Santa Ana, California. In 2012, he received an MFA from the California Institute of the Arts in Valencia, California.

Zorrilla has exhibited his art extensively in solo and group exhibitions worldwide. His works have been showcased in shows held at prestigious galleries and museums, including Galerie Greta Meert in Brussels, Hannah Hoffman in Los Angeles, Ibid Gallery in Los Angeles, Basilica Hudson, Verdens Ende Kunstforening in Tjøme, Joe Sheftel Gallery in New York, Ribordy Contemporary in Geneva, West Street Gallery in New York, M+B Gallery in Los Angeles, and many others.

Currently, the artist lives and works in Los Angeles.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1982

  • Country:

    United States of America, Los Angeles, California