Catharina van Eetvelde

Born in Ghent, Belgium, in 1967, Catharina van Eetvelde is an artist whose creative practice is deeply rooted in the act of drawing. Currently, the artist is based in Paris, France.

Catharina van Eetvelde's Art Style

Across Catharina van Eetvelde's oeuvre, drawing manifests in various forms: from animations and vector graphics to stitches on fabric, as well as in writing and delicate sculptural compositions incorporating cables and wires. The threads of thought woven through these multifaceted drawing techniques serve as a means to engage with the world, bridging the realms of the rational and the irrational, the artistic and the scientific.

She explores both the expressive and stylizing capabilities of the line. Beginning with a meticulous rendering of the line and a judicious application of color, she constructs distinct realms of forms. The assertive layering within her works is, in part, a result of their serial methodology, where each series operates as a system—an organizing entity that furnishes semantic structure and potential correlations with other "systems," such as music or spoken language.

Van Eetvelde operates on a meta-level, scrutinizing the structural framework and methodology inherent to her medium. Specifically, her drawings underscore the contemporary significance and pertinence of the art of drawing within a digitized world. 

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