Sarah Cain

Sarah Cain employs an array of materials in her artistic practice, ranging from conventional mediums like canvas, stretcher bars, and paint, to more unconventional elements such as musical notations, leaves, and branches.

Biography of Sarah Cain

Sarah Cain was born in Albany, New York, and raised in Kinderhook. Her artistic journey began to unfold when she decided to move to California in 1997 to pursue her passion for art at the San Francisco Art Institute.

After earning her BFA in 2001, Cain continued to hone her craft, obtaining an MFA in studio art from the University of California, Berkeley, and further refining her skills at the prestigious Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture in 2006. These formative years laid the foundation for Cain's distinctive artistic style, characterized by a bold and experimental approach to materials and form.

Cain's work transcends traditional boundaries, encompassing various materials and mediums. From traditional canvas and paint to unconventional artifacts such as musical notations, leaves, and branches, her creations defy categorization, inviting viewers to explore the boundaries of artistic expression.

Over the years, Sarah Cain has exhibited her work extensively, with solo exhibitions at prestigious institutions such as the Institute of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, and the Aspen Art Museum, as well as inclusion in collective exhibitions at renowned venues like the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and the Busan Biennale.

One of Cain's most notable achievements is her first major permanent public work—a stunning 150-foot stained glass window installed at the San Francisco International Airport. Comprising 270 colors meticulously arranged to create a mesmerizing visual tapestry, the installation reflects Cain's unwavering commitment to pushing the boundaries of artistic innovation.

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    United States of America, Albany, New York

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