About the Artwork Leonardo Drew in His Studio 2021 Photo Christopher Garcia Valle Courtesy Amfa and Glny 683x1024
© Photo by Christopher Garcia Valle

Leonardo Drew

Leonardo Drew is an American contemporary artist known for his large-scale sculptural installations exploring memory, history, and decay themes. He currently lives and works in Brooklyn, New York.

Leonardo Drew: Early Life

Leonardo Drew was born in Tallahassee, Florida, and raised in Bridgeport, Connecticut. In this environment, where the city dump dominated the landscape surrounding his apartment, Drew's unique artistic perspective began to take shape.

I remember all of it, the seagulls, the summer smells, the underground fires that could not be put out… and over time I came to realize this place as ‘God’s mouth’…the beginning and the end…and the beginning again [sic]… Though I do not use found objects in my work (my materials are fabricated in the studio) what has remained from my early explorations are the echoes of evolution…life, death, regeneration.
Existed, “Dust to Dust" by Allen S. Weiss

Leonardo Drew's Art Style

What sets Drew apart is his daring departure from conventional artistic mediums. He began his art career as a painter but soon turned to sculpture, drawn to the tactile nature of the medium and its ability to create a physical presence in space. His early sculptures often incorporated found materials, such as wood and metal, which he arranged in complex, abstract compositions.

Over the years, Leonardo Drew honed his sculptural language, producing increasingly intricate and monumental creations that could occupy entire rooms. His work is deeply influenced by natural processes, especially erosion and decay.

Drew's unique artistic process involves the transformation of raw materials like wood, scrap metal, and cotton. He intricately weaves these materials into emotionally charged compositions that explore a range of overlapping themes. Among these themes, he grapples with the cyclical nature of life, the inevitable progression of decay, and the ceaseless erosion of time itself.

Leonardo Drew: Recognitions and Artistic Impact

Drew's work has been widely exhibited in the United States and internationally, and it is included in major museum collections around the world. Notable institutions that house his art include the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York, the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden in Washington, D.C., The Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles, and Tate in London.

Leonardo Drew's art defies convention and pushes the boundaries of what sculpture can be and what it can convey. His bold, expressive creations have earned him a place among the most influential artists of his generation.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1961

  • Country:

    United States of America, Tallahassee, Florida

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