Saif Azzuz

Saif Azzuz is an artist of Libyan-Yurok descent, born in 1987 in Eureka, California. He currently resides and works in Pacifica, California, having earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Painting and Drawing from the California College of the Arts in 2013.

Saif Azzuz's Art Style

Azzuz's paintings blend elements of abstraction and surrealism, characterized by vibrant colors, fluid movement, and evocative depictions of the natural world. They exude vitality, extending their energy right to the edges of the canvas, pushing against their confines. His shapes resemble liquid leaves—stretching, reaching, pulling, and almost vibrating with the rhythms of the seasons. Azzuz incorporates personal gestural marks and draws from iconography rooted in the traditions and homelands of his people. His art speaks to the resilience of Indigenous cultures and emphasizes the importance of a holistic connection with the land, all while addressing the historical impacts of colonialism and manifest destiny.

His creative process starts with storytelling or journaling, followed by light sketching. Azzuz frequently incorporates invasive species directly onto his canvases, overlaying them with acrylics, natural dyes, and enamel. 

Azzuz focuses on de-contextualizing Yurok and Arab imagery in his art. Drawing inspiration from family stories, he creates spaces using vibrant ink and acrylic paint on canvas that resemble tapestries. The titles of his pieces are often conversational and incorporate Yurok language. Azzuz employs self-created symbols to convey concepts such as movement, energy, and time, aiming to recognize and validate generational trauma, resilience, the significance of land, and the power of storytelling.

Exhibitions of Saif Azzuz's Works

The artist has exhibited widely, showcasing his work in numerous galleries and venues, including Anthony Meier Fine Arts in San Francisco, Rule Gallery in Denver, Nicelle Beauchene Gallery in New York, Jack Barrett in New York, Galerie Julien Cadet in Paris, among others.

Additionally, his works have found a permanent home in various public collections including de Young Museum - Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, North Carolina Museum of Art, Gochman Family Collection, UBS Art Collection, and many more. 

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  • Years:

    Born in 1987

  • Country:

    United States of America, Pacifica, CA

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