Austin Eddy

Biography of Austin Eddy

Austin Eddy, a notable painter and sculptor, was born in 1986 in Boston, MA, USA. He embarked on his artistic journey by obtaining a BFA from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2010. Following his graduation, Eddy immersed himself in the vibrant art scene of Chicago for several years before eventually relocating to New York City.

Eddy's artistic prowess has been showcased in a series of captivating solo exhibitions, highlighting his unique vision and skill:

  • Livie Gallery, The Armory Show, New York, NY (2023);
  • "In The Off Hours" at Livie Fine Art in Zurich, SI (2023);
  • An Island And The Ocean" at Berggruen Gallery in San Francisco, CA (2023);
  • "Passers By" at Tif Sigfrids in Athens, GA (2022);
  • "Immutable Traveler" at Knust Kunz in Munich, DE (2022);
  • "Crossing the Bar" at Eva Presenhuber in Antiparos, GR (2022);
  • "Sad Landscapes" at Le Consortium, Academi Conti curated by Eric Troncy in Dijon, FR (2022).

Exhibition "EVEN AN ISLAND HAS THE OCEAN" at Berggruen Gallery:

In this exhibition, Eddy delves into concepts of transience and solitude, exploring universal themes of mortality and isolation. His newest body of work serves as a personal reflection on impermanence and the inevitable end of life. Eddy achieves a harmonious balance between defined lines and open spaces, as well as vibrant and muted colors, in abstracted scenes of contemplation. Through a diverse palette of media, including oil, Flashé, ink, and bronze, his artworks pulsate with dynamic textures, rich pigments, and intimate narratives.

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