About the Artwork Roman Ondak

Roman Ondak

Roman Ondak is a Slovakian conceptual artist who was born in 1966 in Zilina, Slovakia. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava and later at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague; currently lives and works in Bratislava, Slovakia.

Ondak's work is known for its playful and interactive nature, often involving audience participation and engagement. He often uses everyday objects and situations as the basis for his art, exploring themes such as memory, identity, and social norms.

One of Ondak's most famous works is "Good Feelings in Good Times," which was exhibited at the Pinchuk Art Centre in Kyiv in 2007. The work consisted of a wooden platform that gradually rose and fell as visitors walked across it, creating a constantly changing landscape.

Another notable work by Ondak is "Measuring the Universe," which was exhibited at the Museum of Modern Art in New York in 2009. The work consisted of a long piece of paper on which visitors were invited to mark their height, creating a collaborative record of the museum's visitors.

Ondak has exhibited his work at numerous museums and galleries around the world, including the Venice Biennale, the Tate Modern in London, and the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago. He has received numerous awards for his work, including the Vincent van Gogh Biennial Award for Contemporary Art in Europe in 2011.

In addition to his work as an artist, Ondak is also a curator and has organized exhibitions at several museums and galleries, including the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw and the Venice Biennale.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1966

  • Country:

    Slovakia, Zilina