About the Artwork Enzo Cucchi

Enzo Cucchi

Enzo Cucchi is an Italian painter born on November 14, 1949, in Morro d'Alba, Ancona, Italy. He is a key figure of the Italian Transavanguardia movement which includes other Italian artists such as Francesco Clemente, Mimmo Paladino, Nicola De Maria, and Sandro Chia. This movement was at its peak during the 1980s and was part of the worldwide movement of Neo-Expressionist painters.

Cucchi's style involves the revival of figurative drawing and symbolism, and his work often includes primitive tools, livestock, flames, and eyes. He works on a large scale and his textured surfaces and instinctual charcoal lines can resemble cave paintings. His compositions often have earth tone colors and convey a sense of violence.

Cucchi has had a major retrospective at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York in 1986, and his works are held in numerous museum collections including the Museum of Modern Art New York, the Tate London, and the Art Institute of Chicago. He currently lives and works in Rome and Ancona.

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