About the Artwork Rocio Garcia.jpg

Rocío García

Rocío García Nuez is a renowned artist of contemporary Cuban painting who was born in Santa Clara, Cuba, in 1955. She studied at the San Alejandro Academy of Arts in Havana from 1970 to 1975. In 1976, she received a grant to study at I. Repin Saint Petersburg State Academy Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture in the former Soviet Union, where she obtained her Master's degree in Fine Arts in 1983.

Rocío has been teaching art at her alma mater in Havana for over 30 years. She has participated in dozens of collective exhibitions and has organized more than 30 personal exhibitions, both in Cuba and abroad. Her work has been shown in prestigious institutions in and outside of Cuba, and she has received numerous awards and artist residencies. She currently lives and works in Havana.

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