About the Artwork Maxresdefault (3)

Yornel Martínez

Yornel Martinez is a post-conceptual artist who is known for his work in subverting the function of discursive elements such as books, fonts, texts, and archives to alter their meaning. He is interested in creating a connection between words and image and visually transcending the limits of language. In his practice, he invites other artists to participate in the deconstruction and reconstruction of textual objects and their related environments.

One of his notable collaborations was with Damian Ortega and other artists for the XII Havana Biennial in 2015. They created a project consisting of interventions in the Fayad Jamis bookstore in Havana and showcased "books as art" objects by contemporary Cuban artists. Martinez's work has been exhibited in various solo and group exhibitions in Cuba and internationally, including the 57th Venice Biennale in 2017. He has also received awards and recognitions for his work, including the UNESCO-Aschberg Bursaries for Artists in 2008.

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