About the Artwork Übergabe „obelisk of Tutankhamun“ an Die Stadt Köln 6068

Rita McBride

Rita McBride is an American artist who was born in Des Moines, Iowa in 1960. She received her Bachelor of Fine Arts from Bard College in 1982, and her Master of Fine Arts from California Institute of the Arts in 1985.

McBride is known for her sculptural works that often blur the boundaries between art, architecture, and design. She explores the relationships between objects, space, and the human body, often incorporating industrial materials such as steel, glass, and concrete into her pieces.

In addition to her studio practice, McBride has also worked extensively in the field of public art, creating large-scale installations for sites around the world. She has been the recipient of numerous awards and honors, including the Skowhegan Medal for Sculpture in 2014 and the Berlin Prize in 2018.

Today, McBride continues to create innovative sculptural works that challenge our perceptions of space and form.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1960

  • Country:

    United States of America, Des Moines, Iowa