Phoebe Nesgos

Phoebe Nesgos is a contemporary artist born in 1993, whose work has been exhibited in various galleries and museums. They are currently featured in an exhibition at AND NOW in Dallas, Texas.

Nesgos' work explores a range of themes, including the intersection of technology and the natural world, and the ways in which we construct and perceive reality. Their work often incorporates a mix of media, including painting, sculpture, and digital media.

In addition to being featured at AND NOW, Nesgos has exhibited their work at other notable galleries and museums, including LOMEX. They have also been featured in publications such as Art Viewer, with a special feature on their work as part of the Paris Internationale 2022 exhibition.

Nesgos' work is recognized for its unique perspective and use of multi-media approaches, which allow them to create works that are both visually striking and conceptually rich.

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