About the Artwork Ds C06142 Edit

Penny Slinger

Penny Slinger is a British feminist artist known for her surreal and erotic artwork that explores themes of sexuality, identity, and power. Born in London, Slinger studied at the Chelsea College of Arts and later received her MFA from the Pratt Institute in New York. Her work has been exhibited in galleries and museums around the world, including the Victoria and Albert Museum in London and the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles. Slinger's art often incorporates collage, photography, and sculpture to create dreamlike and provocative imagery that challenges societal norms and expectations. She was a key figure in the feminist art movement of the 1970s and continues to inspire new generations of artists with her boundary-pushing work.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1947

  • Country:

    United Kingdom, London

  • Gallery:

    Blum & Poe