About the Artwork 051 Kenji Okaszaki Portrait 1200x673

Kenjirō Okazaki

Kenjirō Okazaki was a Japanese artist known for his avant-garde paintings and printmaking. He was born in Kanazawa, Japan in 1942 and studied painting at Musashino Art University in Tokyo.

In the 1960s, Okazaki became associated with the Gutai Art Association, a collective of artists who sought to explore new forms of artistic expression. He was particularly interested in printmaking and began experimenting with various techniques such as silkscreen and lithography. Okazaki's prints are characterized by their bold, graphic style and use of bright, contrasting colors.

Throughout his career, Okazaki also produced paintings that featured abstract forms and vivid colors. He often incorporated text into his works, sometimes using words as visual elements to create complex layers of meaning.

Okazaki participated in numerous exhibitions throughout Japan and internationally. He was also a professor at Musashino Art University for many years, where he taught printmaking.

Kenjirō Okazaki passed away in 2019 at the age of 77. His legacy as a pioneering artist and educator continues to influence the Japanese art scene today.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1955

  • Country:

    Japan, Tokyo