About the Artwork Quaytman Inset One

Harvey Quaytman

Harvey Quaytman was an American painter associated with the Minimalist and Post-Minimalist movements. He was born in Rockaway, New Jersey, and studied at the Rhode Island School of Design.

Quaytman's work focused on abstract painting, often utilizing unconventional materials and shapes. He was known for his use of shaped canvases, which challenged the traditional rectangular shape of paintings. His paintings often featured geometric shapes, such as triangles, circles, and squares, and explored color, texture, and space.

In the 1960s, Quaytman became associated with the Minimalist movement, which was characterized by simplicity, geometry, and a rejection of traditional artistic conventions. However, his work also demonstrated a departure from strict Minimalism, incorporating more gestural brushstrokes and a focus on process.

In the 1970s, Quaytman's work evolved to include more organic shapes and irregularities, and he began to incorporate three-dimensional elements into his paintings. He continued to experiment with unconventional materials, such as tar and fiberglass and explored the relationship between painting and sculpture.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1937

  • Country:

    United States of America, Far Rockaway, Queens, New York City

  • Gallery:

    Blum & Poe