About the Artwork

Pablo Amaringo

Pablo Amaringo was a renowned Peruvian artist best known for his extraordinary paintings that captured the mystical world of Amazonian shamanism and his deep connection with the plant medicine ayahuasca.

In 1992, Pablo Amaringo received the prestigious Global 500 Award from the United Nations Environmental Program.

Biography of Pablo Amaringo

Pablo Amaringo was born in 1938 in Puerto Libertad, a small village located in the Loreto region of Peru. He trained as a curandero in the Amazon, healing himself and others from the age of ten but retired to become a painter.

In 1988, Pablo Amaringo, along with anthropologist Luis Eduardo Luna and his wife, Sirpa Rasanen, joined forces to establish the Usko-Ayar Amazonian School of Painting. This collaborative effort aimed to create a platform that would nurture and promote the traditional art of the Amazonian region.

1999 marked a significant milestone in Pablo Amaringo's artistic journey when the book "Ayahuasca Visions: The Religious Iconography of a Peruvian Shaman" introduced his captivating art to the global community. With the publication of this book, Amaringo's visionary paintings and the profound insights they conveyed were brought to the forefront of international attention.

In 2006, Pablo Amaringo contributed his preface to the book "Plant Spirit Shamanism: Traditional Techniques for Healing the Soul."

In 2011, ACA Galleries hosted a remarkable exhibition showcasing the magnificent works of Pablo Amaringo.

Throughout his life, Pablo Amaringo dedicated himself to the path of a vegetalista, a revered shaman in the mestizo tradition of healing. Until his passing, he passionately pursued two interconnected passions: painting and sharing the wisdom of his ancestral knowledge.

Pablo Amaringo's Art Style

Pablo Amaringo's art style is a mesmerizing blend of vibrant colors, intricate details, and profound symbolism, creating a captivating and otherworldly visual experience. His works are deeply rooted in the traditions of Amazonian shamanism and his personal experiences with ayahuasca, which is evident in the spiritual and visionary nature of Amaringo's paintings.

Pablo Amaringo, Patiguina Samai, 2005, ACA Galleries

The hallmark of Amaringo's art is his ability to translate the mystical realms he encountered during his ayahuasca ceremonies onto the canvas. He masterfully combines geometric patterns, organic forms, and swirling motifs to represent the interconnectedness of all life and the intricate web of existence in the Amazonian worldview.

Amaringo's art embodies the essence of the ayahuasca experience, seamlessly weaving together a tapestry of mystical elements—snakes, jaguars, subterranean beings, celestial palaces, aliens, and spacecraft—all converging in a mesmerizing symphony. His masterful communication through art opens a doorway to the transcendent realms of ayahuasca intended for contemplation, meditation, and inspiration.

Pablo Amaringo's exceptional art has been prominently featured in various documentary films, one of which was "The Shaman & Ayahuasca: Journeys to Sacred Realms" (2010). The next one was "Ayahuasca: Nature's Greatest Gift" (2014). The film provides a glimpse into the profound and mesmerizing world of Amaringo's paintings, capturing the essence of his visionary experiences and his deep connection with the sacred plant medicine, ayahuasca.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1938

  • Country:

    Peru, Puerto Libertad