Emmie Nume

Born in Kampala, Uganda, in 1999, Emmie Nume is a Ugandan artist. He served as an artist-in-residence at Silhouette Projects.

Emmie Nume's Art Style

Engaging in a deeply intuitive artistic approach, Emmie Nume's paintings and drawings center on portraiture, skillfully capturing emotions through spontaneous and free expression. He avoids meticulous formal and academic calculations when depicting figures and scenes. Nume's unique artistic voice lies in his adept combination of spontaneous abstraction and figurative complexities, showcasing the freedom he grants himself in the creative process. Utilizing charcoal, pastels, and acrylics on canvas and paper, he also incorporates the spontaneous use of collage, found objects, and various media and techniques in his artworks.

Nume invites the viewer to navigate the subtleties between the inexpressible realms of depression and love, as well as the complex interplay between the past and present. His visual language fearlessly elicits unsettling and uncomfortable emotions in the audience, creating an immersive experience that almost transforms them into voyeurs peering into the delicate and vulnerable existence of another.

Exhibitions of Emmie Nume's Artwork

Emmie Nume is a young artist who held his first solo exhibition, "When Thoughts Attack Me," at Afriart Gallery in 2023. Before that, he participated in group exhibitions, including "I draw, therefore I think" at South South Platform in 2021 and "Where the Wild Things are" at Afriart Gallery in 2022.

The artist has also showcased his art at renowned art fairs, including Liste Art Fair Basel, ARCO Lisbon, and Joburg Art Fair.

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