About the Artwork D D73 D4 F6 B786 4208 90 C0 C22141 Ef B241

Samuel Laurence Cunnane

Samuel Laurence Cunnane is a photographer who specializes in analogue photography, capturing landscapes, people, and plants with a unique "floating eye" perspective.

Biography of Samuel Laurence Cunnane

Samuel Laurence Cunnane was born in 1989 in County Kerry, Ireland. In 2011, he received a BA in Photography from Dun Laoghaire Institute Of Art Design and Technology (IADT Dún Laoghaire) in Dublin, Ireland.

His works have been exhibited widely in solo and group exhibitions. Some notable shows include The Invisible City, The Joinery, Dublin, Ireland (2009); Listen, Block T, Dublin, Ireland (2011); Fortnightly Features Presents, Kerlin Gallery, Dublin, Ireland (2014); New Works, Öktem&Aykut, Istanbul (2017); OCT Boxes Art Museum, Shunde, China (2018), and many more.

Samuel Laurence Cunnane's artwork can be found in several collections worldwide, including The Arts Council of Ireland, OCT Boxes Art Museum, Shunde, China, and The TIA Collection, Santa Fe, USA. 

Currently, he lives and works in Berlin (Germany) and Kerry (Ireland). 

Samuel Laurence Cunnane's Art Style

Samuel Laurence Cunnane delves into the realm of analogue photography, skillfully capturing landscapes, portraits, and botanical scenes with a unique "floating eye" perspective. Cunnane gravitates toward the overlooked periphery of places: the outskirts of cities where nature contends with concrete, the edges of housing developments, and the boundary between indoors and outdoors. 

In response to the growing dematerialization of contemporary image-making, Cunnane consciously embraces the physicality of the production process. He meticulously prints his photographs by hand in a darkroom, emphasizing a tangible connection to the art form. The resulting C-type prints are intentionally small in size, reflecting the restrained and intimate essence of his work.

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