
Michael Krebber

In 2015, Michael Krebber (born in 1954 in Cologne) was awarded the Wolfgang Hahn Prize by the Museum Ludwig in recognition of his contributions to contemporary art.

Michael Krebber's Art Style

Krebber revitalizes European neo-avant-garde approaches, offering an ongoing critique of art's structures and procedures through subtle visual hints. However, it's his seemingly unassuming demeanor that sets Krebber apart. Embracing a modest yet expansive concept of painting, he welcomes a diverse array of formats, showcasing patterned textiles, posters, and canvases adorned with only a few tentative marks.

These minimal gestures encapsulate what John Kelsey describes as "an ongoing hesitation between repetition and interruption (or between having an idea and having no idea)," sustaining the vitality of painting while challenging conventional expectations of its prominence and decorum within the art world.

Exhibitions of Michael Krebber's Works

Throughout his career, Michael Krebber has exhibited widely internationally. Recent solo exhibitions include "_Esprit de Corps_" at Galerie Buchholz in Cologne (2023), "Michael Krebber: New Work" at Greene Naftali in New York (2022), "Michael Krebber: Studiofloor and Diamond Paintings" at Fondazione Antonio Dalle Nogare in Bolzano (2022), "KAN IN CHEN" at Gaga & Reena Spaulings Fine Art in Los Angeles (2020), and many more.

The artist has also participated in group shows, including "MONOCHROMES (based on an idea by Fredrik Værslev)" at Mehdi Chouakri in Berlin (2023), "No Dandy, No Fun" at Kunsthalle Bern in Bern (2020), "Abstraction: Aspects of Contemporary Art" at The National Museum of Art in Osaka (2019), among others. 

His work is held in prestigious collections worldwide, including The Museum of Modern Art in New York, Centre Pompidou in Paris, and the Museum Ludwig in Cologne. 

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  • Years:

    Born in 1954

  • Country:

    Germany, Cologne