Alfred D'ursel

Alfred d'Ursel, born in 1986 in Brussels, is a contemporary artist whose creations are defined by a distant and intangible, ethereal atmosphere.

Exhibitions of Alfred d'Ursel's works

Alfred d'Ursel has had a notable presence in the art world with numerous solo and group exhibitions. His solo shows include "La Queue Cassée" at dépendance in Brussels (2022), "ROSEBUD" at dépendance in Brussels (2021), "RATS." at C L E A R I N G in New York (2019), "Safe" at S.M.A.K. in Ghent (2018), and "Ghost Protocol" at C L E A R I N G in Brussels (2018).

He has participated in numerous group exhibitions held at prestigious venues, such as Kölnischer Kunstverein, dépendance, Fondation CAB, Gaudel de Stampa, C L E A R I N G, among others.

Recent group shows which featured Alfred d'Ursel's works include "Hoi Köln, part 3: Albtraum Malerei / The Nightmare of Painting" at Kölnischer Kunstverein in Cologne (2024), "Palai" at Palazzo Tamborino-Cezzi in Lecce (2021), "Grand Ménage" at C L E A R I N G in Paris (2021), "J U N E" at dépendance in Brussels (2020), and many more. 

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  • Years:

    Born in 1986

  • Country:

    Belgium, Brussels