Massimo Bartolini

Massimo Bartolini delves into diverse languages and materials, engaging in performative works that include temporary actors, the public, or architectural spaces. His portfolio extends to encompass complex sound sculptures, photographs, videos, and large-scale public installations.

Biography of Massimo Bartolini

Massimo Bartolini was born in 1962 in Cecina, Italy. He pursued surveyor studies in Livorno from 1976 to 1981 and obtained his degree from the Florence Academy in 1989. Currently, he is a professor of visual arts at UNIBZ Bolzano, NABA (New Academy of Fine Arts, Milan), and the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna.

He has taken part in La Biennale di Venezia (1999, 2009, 2013), Documenta 13 (Kassel, 2012), and Manifesta 4 (Frankfurt, 2002).

Massimo Bartolini's recent solo exhibitions include "Horizontal Victory" at MASSIMODECARLO Pièce Unique in Paris (2022), "On Identikit" at CSAC in Parma (2021), "And others landscapes" at Gert Robijns RESETHOME in Borgloon (2018), and many more.

Bartolini has also participated in numerous group exhibitions, including "Le futur derrière nous" at Villa Arson in Nice (2022), Bangkok Biennial (2020), "Come prima, meglio di prima" at Massimo De Carlo in Milan (2020), "Grotoni e malocchi" at Museo Carlo Zauli in Faenza (2020), among others.

Bartolini’s works are held in the National Gallery of Canada in Ottawa, Castello di Rivoli Museo d'Arte Contemporanea in Torino, Centro de arte visuales Fundaciòn Helga de Alvear in Caceres, Museum Voorinden in Wassenaar, Whitworth Art Gallery in Manchester, and many more.

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