Martin Disler

Martin Disler was a Swiss artist known for his dynamic, expressive paintings and sculptures. Born in Seewen, Switzerland, Disler studied at the School of Applied Arts in Basel before moving to Berlin in the 1970s to pursue his artistic career. He became a prominent figure in the Neo-Expressionist movement in Germany, alongside artists like Georg Baselitz and Anselm Kiefer. Disler's work often explored themes of violence, sexuality, and the human condition, using a raw, gestural style characterized by bold brushstrokes, thick layers of paint, and intense use of color. In addition to painting, Disler also worked in sculpture, printmaking, and drawing, creating works that were both visceral and deeply emotional. He died in a car accident in 1996, leaving behind a significant body of work that continues to be celebrated for its raw energy and emotional intensity.

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