About the Artwork Luigi Ontani 1653917983

Luigi Ontani

Luigi Ontani is an Italian artist born in 1943 in Vergato, Italy. He is known for his diverse and eclectic body of work, which includes sculpture, painting, performance art, and multimedia installations.

Ontani first gained recognition in the 1970s as a key figure in the transavantgarde movement, which emerged in Italy as a reaction against the dominance of conceptual and minimalist art. His early works were marked by a playful and irreverent spirit, and he often used humor and irony to critique traditional artistic conventions.

One of Ontani's most iconic works is his "self-portrait" series, in which he transforms himself into various cultural and historical figures using elaborate costumes and makeup. These works explore questions of identity, representation, and cultural appropriation, and they have been exhibited in museums and galleries around the world.

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