Lucy Raven

Lucy Raven is an American artist known for her diverse artistic expressions. Raven's work spans multiple disciplines, encompassing moving image installations, photography, sound, animation, and performative lectures.

Biography of Lucy Raven

Lucy Raven was born in 1977 in Tucson, Arizona, USA. In 1999, she completed her studies at Escola Massana in Barcelona.

In 2000, Lucy Raven obtained a BFA in Studio Art and a BA in Art History from the University of Arizona in Tucson, Arizona. She continued to study, and in 2008, she received an MFA from Bard College's Milton Avery Graduate School of the Arts. 

She holds the position of Associate Professor at The Cooper Union School of Art in New York. Additionally, alongside Vic Brooks and Evan Calder Williams, she co-founded 13BC, a research and production collective.

Lucy Raven's solo exhibitions include "Another Dull Day" at Wiels Contemporary Art Centre in Forest (2022), "Lucy Raven" at Dia Chelsea in New York (2021), "Lucy Raven: Edge of Tomorrow" at Serpentine Gallery in London (2016), and many more.

Her works have been featured in numerous group exhibitions, including "Sorting Things Out" at Galerie Max Mayer in Düsseldorf (2021), "Fatal Act" at Douglas Hyde Gallery with 13BC in Dublin (2020), "3D: Double Vision" at LACMA in Los Angeles (2018), among others.

Furthermore, Raven's artwork has been featured in prestigious exhibitions such as the 2022 and 2012 Whitney Biennial in New York, the 2016 Montreal Biennial, and the 2018 Dhaka Art Summit in Bangladesh.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1977

  • Country:

    United States of America, Tucson, Arizona

  • Personal website