About the Artwork Scm Blog Lila 025.jpg
© Photo by James Branaman

Lila de Magalhaes

Lila de Magalhaes is a Brazilian artist based in Los Angeles, known for her colorful and playful works that combine elements of painting, sculpture, and installation. She earned her MFA from the University of Southern California and a BA from the Glasgow School of Art.

De Magalhaes has exhibited her work extensively in solo and group exhibitions across the United States, including shows at Matthew Brown, Ghebaly Gallery, and Mutt. R in Los Angeles, as well as exhibitions at galleries such as Company Gallery in New York and Julius Caesar in Chicago. Her first solo exhibition with Deli Gallery was titled "Palace of Errors" in 2019.

De Magalhaes' work often features humorous and whimsical imagery, such as abstracted fruit forms and anthropomorphic creatures, presented in bright and bold colors. She works across a range of mediums, including painting, sculpture, and textiles, and her works often have a tactile and material quality. Her art practice explores themes of transformation, nostalgia, and the relationship between the physical and digital worlds.

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