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Katarzyna Kozyra

Renowned for her exploration of traditionally controversial topics, Katarzyna Kozyra stands as a contemporary Polish artist proficient in sculpture, performance art, video installations, and photography.

Biography of Katarzyna Kozyra

Katarzyna Kozyra was born in 1963 in Warsaw, Poland. She holds a degree from the Faculty of Sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw and completed her post-graduate studies in 1998 at the Hochschule für Graphik und Buchkunst in Leipzig, specializing in the New Media studio under the mentorship of Professor Helmut Marek.

In 1997, Kozyra was honored with the Paszport Polityki award and was recognized as the most promising artist in Poland. Since then, she has been showcasing her work internationally, starting from 1997.

In 1999, she garnered an honorary mention at the 48th Venice Biennale for her video installation titled "Men’s Bath," which was showcased at the Polish Pavilion.

In 2003, Kozyra became a recipient of a DAAD grant. Additionally, in September 2011, she was awarded a grant by the Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.

In 2012, Katarzyna Kozyra established the Katarzyna Kozyra Foundation, distinguished from other contemporary art foundations by its dedicated focus on empowering women in the realms of culture and art. The foundation spearheads projects of substantial social and artistic significance.

Katarzyna Kozyra's Art Style 

Kozyra's artistic endeavors explore the core aspects of human existence, grappling with themes such as identity, impermanence, the cycle of life and death, illness and aging, religion, and sexuality. She navigates the realm of cultural taboos surrounding the human body, challenging societal norms and behaviors entrenched in social constructs. With each creation, Kozyra boldly confronts these taboos, often courting controversy.

While she is categorized as a new media artist, her art seamlessly integrates elements from visual arts, theatre, performance, dance, and choreography.

By drawing inspiration from ancient myths and deftly navigating the limitations of her chosen mediums, she has forged a fresh artistic vision that resonates both aesthetically and thematically. This achievement firmly establishes her as one of the foremost and highly praised figures in the contemporary Polish art landscape.

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