Julien Des Monstiers

Julien des Monstiers blurs the lines between fine and applied art. In recent years, he has pushed the boundaries further, concentrating on the concept of tautology in painting. Although his paintings are inherently two-dimensional, the artist endeavors to depict depth, layers, textures, and folds.

Biography of Julien des Monstiers

Julien des Monstiers was born in 1983 in France. He completed his studies at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris in 2008 under the mentorship of Jean-Michel Alberola.

The artist has been recognized with several awards, including the Prix Marin in 2015, the Yishu8 and Mécènes du Sud awards in 2017, the Prix Pierre Cardin in 2019, and most recently, in 2022, the Prix de peinture Simone et Cino Del Duca.

Julien des Monstiers' solo exhibitions include "Dehors /Dedans" at Château de Chambord in Chambord (2024), "Betâverse" at Galerie Christophe Gaillard in Paris (2022), "Fantomas" at Galerie Christophe Gaillard in Paris (2020), "Maison, Sarcophage, Allumettes" at Galerie Municipale Julio Gonzalez in Arcueil (2018), "Les Rêves des Autres" at Maison des Arts Yishu8 in Beijing (2017), and many more.

Additionally, the artist has participated in numerous group exhibitions, including "Immortelle" at Mo.Co. in Montepellier (2023), "Mirages" at Galerie Claire Gastaud in Clermont-Ferrand (2023), "Traverser les silences" at Galerie Dilecta in Paris (2022), "Afterparty" at Fondation du Doute in Blois (2020), among others. 

Currently, des Monstiers resides between Faye-la-Vineuse and Paris. 

Julien des Monstiers' Art Style

For Julien des Monstiers, each painting represents a cohesive entity, wherein the various styles contribute to its overall significance. These holistic artworks defy reduction to mere components and resist any predefined definition. They draw from diverse sources, incorporating borrowed shapes and gestures without hierarchical distinctions, while also tapping into broader narratives of the medium and its historical motifs, such as hunting scenes, floral decorations, or tapestries.

Executed on canvas or wood, whether on the floor or a wall as dictated by their requirements, his works evolve through a continuous interchange. Employing techniques ranging from imprints by transfer to precise gestures, executed with brushes and various other tools, des Monstiers explores every aspect of creation. 

As the artist himself stated, he enjoys working with tools that he crafts himself. Additionally, he utilizes traditional materials such as small and large brushes. Julien des Monstiers exclusively works with oil paints.

I am more interested on «how to paint» than «what to paint». That is why some of my works look different from each other. [...] For some years now, I have been using a transfer technique to paint abstract or figurative pattern on canvas. I first start to create a base on the surface and, in a second moment, I paint the subject on a huge table I built before. Finally, I transfer the painted image on the canvas. Only fews parts are done with brushes directly on the surface.
Julien des Monstiers for Artoday
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