Kay Finn

Kay Finn, a revered senior figure and accomplished artist, captures the essence of her surroundings near Indulkana through her paintings. In addition to her individual work, Kay collaborates with Jeannie and Myra on canvases, collectively depicting their country and conveying significant cultural narratives.

Biography of Kay Finn

Kay Finn is a senior Pitjantjatjara and Yankunytjatjara woman, whose artistic journey is a testament to the rich tapestry of Indigenous Australian art. Born on January 7, 1954, Kay considers Umoona Arts her creative home, where her vibrant expressions come to life on canvas.

Indulkana, Kay's ancestral homeland, serves as the muse for her artistic expression. As a talented individual artist, Kay captures the essence of her country on canvas, translating the stories of her people into the visual language of art. Notably, she also engages in collaborative works, creating captivating canvases that depict the cultural richness of their shared heritage.

Kay Finn has consistently participated in successful Umoona Arts exhibitions, and together with Jeannie and Myra, she achieved finalist status in the esteemed 2022 Wynne Prize at the Art Gallery of New South Wales.  

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