About the Artwork Jim Lambie Wbj 01

Jim Lambie

Jim Lambie is a Scottish contemporary artist known for his vibrant and immersive installations that incorporate everyday materials and found objects. Lambie was born in Glasgow, Scotland and studied at the Glasgow School of Art.

Lambie's work is characterized by a playful and eclectic sensibility, as he draws on a wide range of cultural references and influences, including music, fashion, and popular culture. Many of his installations incorporate everyday objects such as vinyl records, cassette tapes, and clothing, which he transforms into visually striking and immersive environments. Another recurring theme in Lambie's work is the exploration of the relationship between music and visual art. He often incorporates musical motifs and references into his installations, and has created numerous works inspired by specific songs or musical genres.

He has held solo exhibitions at Andrew Kern Gallery (New York), Modern Institute (Glasgow), Sadie Coles HQ  (London), Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery (Sydney), Centraal Museum, (Utrecht) and Franco Noero (Turin), among others.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1964

  • Country:

    United Kingdom, Glasgow