About the Artwork Wangechi Mutu Akademie X 900x450 C

Wangechi Mutu

Wangechi Mutu is a Kenyan American visual artist renowned for her work in painting, sculpture, film, and performance.

Biography of Wangechi Mutu

Born in Kenya in 1972, Wangechi Mutu has resided and built her career in New York City for over two decades.

She pursued her studies at the United World College of the Atlantic, Wales, earning an International Baccalaureate in 1991. Mutu relocated to New York in the 1990s. She received a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Cooper Union for the Advancement of the Arts and Science in 1996, followed by a master's degree in sculpture from the Yale University School of Art in 2000.

Wangechi Mutu has received several awards, including the National Artist Award from Anderson Ranch Arts Center (2017), the Cultural Leadership Award from the American Federation of Arts (2016), the African Diaspora Awards (2013), the Blackstar Film Festival Audience Award for Favorite Experimental Film (2013), and many more.

Her recent solo exhibitions include "Wangechi Mutu: My Cave Call" at St Louis Art Museum in St Louis (2024), "Wangechi Mutu" at Storm King in New Windsor (2022), "Mama Ray" at Nasher Museum of Art in Durham (2022), "Wangechi Mutu" at Gladstone Gallery in New York (2021), among others.

Currently, the artist resides in New York and Nairobi.

Wangechi Mutu's Art Style

Mutu's artistic endeavors have consistently focused on the female body as a subject, employing collage painting, immersive installation, and live and video performance. Through her work, she delves into questions surrounding self-image, gender constructs, cultural trauma, environmental destruction, and concepts of beauty and power.

Mutu's artistic exploration spans multiple mediums, encompassing collage, video, performance, and sculpture, as she delves into themes of gender, race, and colonialism. Her work addresses the violence and misrepresentation often endured by Black women in modern society. A common thread in Mutu's art is her diverse portrayals of femininity.

Through her portrayal of women in otherworldly settings, often depicted in what appears to be sexual or sensual poses, Mutu prompts discourse on the objectification of women. Specifically, she confronts the hyper-objectification of black female bodies and employs a surreal approach to underscore the artificiality of society's portrayals of black women.

Mutu's artworks often evoke contradictory interpretations, viewed both as complicit in reflecting societal problems and as hopeful indicators of potential future societal change.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1972

  • Country:

    Kenya, Nairobi