Jessica Russ

Born in 1988 and presently residing and working in Nyon, Jessica Russ is an artist whose paintings are not only visually captivating but also conceptually thought-provoking.

Jessica Russ's Art Style

At the core of Jessica Russ's artistic process is the layering of specific colors, a meticulous practice that unfolds with nearly graphic precision. What sets her work apart is the way it seems to challenge traditional methods of creating art with brushes and acrylic paint. In the initial phase, she digitally crafts and refines her paintings, setting the stage for what's to come.

The next step in Russ's process involves transferring these digital shapes onto the canvas, introducing an element of chance into the equation. Instead of deliberately selecting colors, she sources them from the remnants of mixtures used in her previous works. Fragments from various entities intersect with individual excerpts of both organic and geometric structures, creating a mental landscape that constantly oscillates between abstraction and figuration.

The frequently recurring forms are overlaid with delicate lines that gracefully traverse the paintings, as if the artist were intimately exploring her canvases like uncharted terrain. Certain sections receive additional outlining, while in other places, the lines assume a life of their own, shaping new forms. This juxtaposition of the rigid flatness and the dynamic impulses of the lines challenges the viewer's perception. Consequently, Jessica Russ achieves a harmonious balance between two movements, two dimensions, and two temporalities through the careful use of color.

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