Rebekka Steiger

Rebekka Steiger is an artist whose expansive canvases provide a captivating backdrop for her exploration of various painterly tools and techniques."

Rebekka Steiger's Art Style

Steiger's artistic repertoire is rich and diverse, encompassing oil paint, gouache, tempera, ink, and pastel. Each of these mediums possesses its own unique properties, and the artist leverages them to choreograph an intricate dance of colors and textures on her canvases. What makes her work particularly intriguing is her initial embrace of chance and intuition. She allows the materiality of paint to follow its own course, like a river flowing freely.

Through a series of experimental techniques, such as tilting the image carrier or allowing liquid ink to trace its own path, Steiger's paintings come to life with a sense of spontaneity. In her artworks, empty spaces sometimes find themselves filled, while other areas are painted over, expanded, or emphasized. This duality gives birth to numerous pictorial realms, characterized by captivating, radiant colors that not only embody their inherent medial attributes but also feature recurring elementary forms.

Her canvases, reminiscent of mysterious memories or fleeting mirages, evoke outlines of landscapes, mountain ranges, and specific figures. These forms intermingle with abstract shapes, including circles, stripes, lines, and rectangles.

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