About the Artwork

Jean-Marie Appriou

Crafted primarily from aluminum and bronze, the sculptures of Jean-Marie Appriou draw inspiration from contemporary, mythological, and futuristic realms. The artist explores design possibilities through experimentation with finishes. Additionally, Appriou incorporates other materials, such as blown glass, into his works, adding further dimensions to his artistic expression.  

Biography of Jean-Marie Appriou

Jean-Marie Appriou was born in 1986 in Brest, France. In 2010, he finished his studies at  Ecole régionale des Beaux-Arts in Rennes, France.

The artist has exhibited his works at solo and group exhibitions. His recent solo shows include "Jean-Marie Appriou" at Galerie Eva Presenhuber in Vienna (2023), "MAGNETIC" at MASSIMODECARLO in Hong Kong (2023), "Ophelia" at MASSIMODECARLO in London (2022), "Liquid Metal Dream" at Perrotin in Shanghai (2022), "Flamingo Soup" at Clearing in Los Angeles (2022), "Event Horizon" at Kaikai Kiki Gallery in Tokyo (2021), "Les Soleils de Lucy" at Jan Kaps in Cologne (2021), and many more.

Furthermore, Jean-Marie Appriou's sculptures have been presented in numerous group exhibitions, including "Printed Matters" at Le Consortium in Dijon (2023), "MAIDEN VOYAGE" at Clearing in New York (2023), "Les Fleurs du Mal" at Maison Guerlain in Paris (2023), "In Bloom" at MASSIMODECARLO Pièce Unique in Paris (2022), "Bijoux" at Fitzpatrick Gallery in Paris (2021), among others.

Jean-Marie Appriou's works can be found in many collections worldwide. Among them are Vanhaerents Art Collection in Brussels, CNAP in Paris, Fondation Louis Vuitton in Paris, FRAC Corse, Musée d'art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, and Zabludowicz Collection in London.

Currently, the artist lives in Paris, where he continues to work.

Jean-Marie Appriou's Art Style

Jean-Marie Appriou masterfully manipulates sculptural materials, including aluminum, bronze, glass, clay, and wax, to envision fantastical worlds populated by human, animal, and vegetal figures. Despite the imposing scale of his works, Appriou maintains an intimate connection with the viewer, skillfully conveying the disturbing strangeness inherent in his creations.

Immersed in a profoundly dreamlike atmosphere, Appriou's material universe is enriched with terrestrial considerations approached through a unique lens: that of the mythical. Horses, snakes, locusts, sharks, and seahorses form a bestiary infused with potent symbolism. Within a dream realm, these creatures navigate a marvelous natural world that transforms into a stage for captivating characters.

Jean-Marie Appriou's work blends elements of pop culture with mythologies ranging from Greek and Egyptian antiquity to science fiction. Through his sculptures, Appriou seamlessly intertwines the allegorical and the sensual, leaving his distinctive fingerprints visible on the material.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1986

  • Country:

    France, Brest