Caleb Considine

Born in Los Angeles in 1982, Caleb Considine currently resides and works in New York. He earned his BFA from Yale University in 2005 and completed his MFA in 2008 at Columbia University.

Exhibitions of Caleb Considine's Artworks

Caleb Considine has held solo exhibitions at numerous renowned venues, including Massimo De Carlo (London), Bureau (New York), Essex Street (New York), and Federico Vavassori (Milan). His recent solo shows include "Iodized Salt" at Bureau in New York (2020), "For Roland and Ramona" at Galerie Buchholz in Cologne (2019), "Sandpaper Tongue" at Bureau in New York (2018), "Cancelled" at Galerie Buchholz in Berlin (2017), and many more. 

The artist has also participated in group exhibitions, including "Dark Light: Realism in the Age of Post-Truths" at Aïshti Foundation in Beirut (2022), "Bells" at Galerie Buchholz in Cologne (2022), "Until Tomorrow: Ten Years of Bureau" at Bureau in New York (2020), "The Trick Brain" at Aïshti Foundation in Beirut (2017), Kyiv Biennale at Visual Culture Research Centre in Kyiv (2015), among others.

Considine's Artworks can be found in the collections of the Mead Art Museum in Amherst, the Aïshti Foundation in Beirut, and the University of Chicago Booth School of Business in Chicago. 

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  • Years:

    Born in 1982

  • Country:

    United States of America, Los Angeles