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Janaina Tschäpe

Janaina Tschäpe is a German-Brazilian artist known for her diverse range of work that includes painting, sculpture, video, and performance. Born in 1973 in Munich, Germany, she grew up in both Brazil and Germany, and her work often reflects her multicultural background.

Tschäpe's work often explores themes related to nature, the body, and transformation. She draws inspiration from a wide range of sources, including mythology, botany, and personal experiences. Her paintings often feature ethereal landscapes and dreamlike imagery, while her sculptures incorporate organic materials such as plants and shells.

Tschäpe has exhibited her work internationally at institutions such as the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Venice Biennale, and the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam. She has also been the recipient of numerous awards and residencies, including the Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant and the Villa Aurora Fellowship. Today, Tschäpe continues to create thought-provoking work that explores the intersections between nature, culture, and the human experience.

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