About the Artwork Big 168 17 Beothy

István Beöthy

István Beöthy (1930-2006) was a Hungarian artist known for his innovative contributions to geometric abstraction and kinetic art. Born in Budapest, Beöthy studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Budapest before becoming a professor of art there in the 1960s.

Beöthy's artistic practice was rooted in the geometric abstraction movement, which he further developed by incorporating elements of movement and light. His works often featured precise geometric shapes and patterns that were arranged in ways that created optical illusions or the illusion of movement.

Beöthy was also an early adopter of kinetic art, which incorporates movement as a central element of the artwork. He created numerous works that utilized light, motion, and sound to create dynamic and immersive experiences for the viewer.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1897

  • Country:

    Hungary, Heves