About the Artwork Ursula

Ursula Reuter Christiansen

Born in Trier, Germany in 1943, Ursula Reuter Christiansen now resides and works in Møn, Denmark. Her artistic practice spans across various media, including painting, filmmaking, performance, ceramics, and sculpture. Her work explores themes of symbolism, mythology, desire, hatred, beauty, and the abyss. After studying literature in Marburg, Germany, she graduated from the Düsseldorf Academy of Fine Arts in 1969, where she was taught by Professor Joseph Beuys and became involved in the women's movement, which had a profound impact on her artistic output. Mai Dengsøe, a curator and former assistant of Christiansen, notes that her paintings are silent yet her voice is present, and her figuration is clear, while adding that Christiansen's involvement in her work gives it integrity and adds integrity to almost everything she touches.

Her work was included in exhibitions at the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, DK; National Gallery of Denmark and Kunsthal Charlottenborg in Copenhagen; Museum of Fine Arts Leipzig, DE; Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, USA; PS.1 Contemporary Art Center, Long Island, New York, USA; Vancouver Art Gallery, CAN; Kunstverein Wolfsburg, DE.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1943

  • Country:

    Germany, Trier