About the Artwork Hubert Renard

Hubert Renard

Hubert Renard, a French artist born in 1965 in Lyon and based in Paris, creates work that exists simultaneously in different periods and facets of his persona. His work is both dead and alive, in progress yet also finished, and often manifests the presence of the artist through his absence. His art takes shape through various mediums, including photography, video, texts, and performances, and revolves around the art object, its environment, and paratext.

Renard's Les archives d’Hubert Renard serve as an archive of his namesake artist career through exhibition views, catalogs, press kits, and other material. His recent interventions blur the distinctions between himself and his fictional twin, and he even publishes under the name of Alain Farfall, an invented art critic who comments on his work and other topics.

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