About the Artwork 434830de95873e4faf563f4e890ae2e71d779727
© Photo by Penny Stephens

Hamishi Farah

Hamishi Farah is a Somali artist who was born in 1991 in Melbourne, Australia, where he currently lives and works in Melbourne. Farah's art practice spans a range of mediums, including painting, drawing, printmaking, and digital media.

Farah's works often explore themes of identity, culture, and representation. He frequently draws upon his own experiences as a mixed-race artist with African and Lebanese heritage to create works that challenge stereotypes and confront issues of racial and cultural appropriation.

In his paintings, Farah creates vibrant and expressive compositions that combine figuration and abstraction. He uses bold colors and patterns to create a sense of energy and movement in his works. Farah's digital media works, on the other hand, often incorporate found images and video footage to create collages that explore contemporary culture and politics.

Farah has exhibited his work in various solo and group exhibitions in Australia and internationally, including at Gertrude Contemporary in Melbourne and at the Institute of Contemporary Arts in London. In 2020, he was a resident artist at Callie's Berlin.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1991

  • Country:


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