About the Artwork Bildschirmfoto 2020 04 20 Um 14.10.36

Halvor Rønning

Halvor Rønning is a Norwegian artist born in Bergen in 1984 and currently based in Oslo. He studied at the Art Academy in Oslo and the Akademie der bildenden Künste in Vienna. Rønning works in a variety of media including painting, sculpture, and installation, often exploring themes of power, control, and manipulation in contemporary society.

Rønning has had several solo exhibitions including "Knep og kunstgrep" at Lucas Hirsch in Düsseldorf in 2020, "Hell, Recline" at Felix Gaudlitz in Vienna in 2019, and "Stopwatch, Mayonnaise, Bible" at Tag Team Studio in Bergen in 2016. His works have also been featured in numerous group exhibitions and events at venues such as Saksumdal Tempel, CCA Andratx, and Astrup Fearnley Museet.

In addition to his exhibitions, Rønning has also completed several public commissions, including one for the Bjørgvin Fengsel prison in Bergen, which is set to be inaugurated in 2022. Through his work, Rønning explores the relationships between individuals and their environment, and the impact that societal structures can have on personal experience.

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