About the Artwork Graham Little 750

Graham Little

Graham Little is a British artist born in 1972 in Dundee, Scotland. He currently lives and works in London. Little graduated with a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) degree in Fine Arts from Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design in Dundee in 1995. He then earned a Master of Arts degree from Goldsmiths College in London in 1997.

Little's artwork has been featured in numerous museum exhibitions around the world. In 2021, his work was included in the exhibition "Mixing It Up: Painting Today" at the Hayward Gallery in London. In 2020, Little's work was shown at the V&A Dundee and Somerset House in London. In 2019, he was featured in a group exhibition at The FLAG Art Foundation in New York.

Other notable exhibitions featuring Little's work include "Kunstmuseum Bochum" (2017) and "Manifesta 11" in Zurich, curated by Christian Jankowski (2016). In addition, his work has been shown at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York, where he was featured in the exhibition "Drawing Now: Eight Propositions" (2002-2003), curated by Laura Hoptman.

Little's work encompasses a range of media, including painting, drawing, sculpture, and installation. His style is characterized by a careful attention to detail and a fascination with the interplay between image and surface. His work often explores themes of identity, memory, and perception, and frequently incorporates elements of popular culture, including advertising imagery and celebrity portraits.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1972

  • Country:

    United Kingdom, Dundee