Avish Khebrehzadeh

Avish Khebrehzadeh, born in Tehran, Iran in 1969, has led a nomadic life, residing in Madagascar, the UK, Italy, and the United States. She embarked on her artistic journey studying painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome before traversing between Tehran and Rome and ultimately settling in Washington DC. 

Expressive Dislocation: A Distinctive Artistic Voice of Avish Khebrehzadeh

Khebrehzadeh's artistic oeuvre spans drawing, painting, and animation, characterized by using unconventional media like olive oil and resin on paper. Her subjects often evoke an imagined reality intricately intertwined with her personal encounters and geographical disquiet. While her visual language remains tangible, it retains an enigmatic quality, inviting viewers to explore their interpretations.

Mystery is good... I don't want things definable."
Avish Khebrehzadeh

Honors and Exhibitions: A Testament to Artistic Excellence

Khebrehzadeh's artistic prowess has garnered significant recognition, including the Golden Lion Award at the 50th Venice Biennale in 2003. Her solo exhibitions at prestigious venues like Fondazione Volume! in Rome and Ursula Blickle Foundation in Germany have showcased her distinctive vision. Notable group exhibitions at renowned institutions like the Victoria and Albert Museum in London and the National Gallery of Art in Washington DC further underscore her artistic significance. Her work is housed in esteemed public collections worldwide, including GAM in Turin, Italy, and the Corcoran Gallery of Art in Washington DC.

Avish Khebrehzadeh was honored with a fellowship from the DC Commission on the Arts & Humanities in 2011, as well as a Smithsonian Artist Research Fellowship during the same year. In 2012, she was named a Civitella Ranieri Foundation Fellow.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1969

  • Country:

    Iran, Tehran

  • Gallery:
