Cinthia Marcelle

Based in São Paulo, Brazil, Cinthia Marcelle graduated in Fine Arts from the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais in 1999. Her diverse body of work spans various mediums, including drawings, collages, photographs, paintings, videos, and installations. 

Cinthia Marcelle's Art style

Drawing inspiration from urban and natural environments, Marcelle's artworks carry a temporal character, evident in her exploration of repetition and the accumulation of waste. Through her interventions, Marcelle disrupts and reorganizes everyday objects and situations, proposing a formal reinterpretation of the mundane.

Marcelle employs video and photography to capture the effects of her interventions on the established order of things. Inspired by the chaos and potentiality inherent in everyday life, Marcelle seeks to bring a sense of order to this disorder through her artistic practice. Her actions often result in humorous coincidences and connections, challenging conventional behavior and societal norms. Operating within the realms of different media, Marcelle navigates through conceptual systems that politically and culturally organize the world.

Social data plays a pivotal role in Marcelle's work, often involving collective elaboration processes. Through her art, Marcelle confronts and questions hegemonic structures and power relations, exploring the transformative potential of organizing and disorganizing elements in her environment.

Recognition and Impact

Cinthia Marcelle's impact on the contemporary art scene is palpable, with her participation in prestigious international events and exhibitions. Notable among these is her inclusion in the 57th Venice Biennale with the installation "Chão de Caça."

Her work has also been featured in renowned biennials, including the Berlin Biennale and the Sharjah Biennials. Marcelle's solo exhibitions, held in esteemed institutions worldwide, further cement her status as a leading figure in contemporary art.

Additionally, her accolades include grants and prizes such as the Future Generation Art Prize and the International Prize for Performance, reflecting the profound impact of her artistic contributions.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1974

  • Country:

    Brazil, São Paulo

  • Gallery:
